Emily's Go-To Cheese Boards

I love a good cheese board. I make mini ones for myself all the time. Cheese boards are so easy to throw together, usually with no cooking involved. The perfect appetizer before a meal or snack while enjoying cocktails with the girls. I am here to show you two of the absolutely basic cheese boards that I do time & time again. I will show you one that's for 1-2 people and then one for a group of 3-4. These are super easy boards to recreate. There are no weird hard-to-find ingredients. Trader Joes has delicious cheese but as does any regular grocery store these days. No need to stress about the brand.

When it's just me or me and a friend, I go salty and briny. Peppered salami, parmesan chunks, peperoncini & mustard. Sometimes pickles make it to the board and the occasional green olive. That is it. 80% of the time I don't even bother with a cracker. Super basic and we devourer it. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

When it is a little larger group I like to bulk up the board with more textures, more cheese and a touch of something sweet like jam. A handful of nuts are always a crowd pleaser. I love the smoked almonds from Trader Joes. A couple cracker options really helps bulk up the board. As for the the cheese, I love adding a brie or goat cheese (or both) because they pair so well with a jam. For jam, I always have raspberry jam on hand because that is the favorite in our house so that's what usually end up on the board.